Take some time and breathe~

It’s been a rough week trying to remember all that I could for my upcoming exams until I saw this video that literally stop me in my tracks.

Jon Rawlinson, a Canadian filmmaker, shot a video of Kuroshio Sea Aquarium in Okinawa.
Setting on the music “Please don’t go” by Barcelona, it transforms the video to give a tranquil and peaceful atmosphere. It was his video still that was featured by Matador Networks that was in my Facebook news feed that led me to search for this video.

I thought I should share it with everyone so you too can take some time and take in a deep breath.
For once, I feel that it’s good to be alive.

Both videos below are the same.
If you have problems with viewing the first video (from Vimeo), you can watch the video below via Youtube.
I highly recommend that you watch the video in HD mode.

Kuroshio Sea – 2nd largest aquarium tank in the world – (song is Please don’t go by Barcelona) from Jon Rawlinson on Vimeo.



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